
Welcome to the blog made to contain some of my thoughts about the game Atlantica Online.

Nothing big, but nothing that small. Mostly I want to have a location to dump all my gathered data, my videos, usable files and other stuff.

Usually, you will see post about a Sword Main soloing some TBS fields. Also, that’s the first reason to create this blog, a small complementary work to what Claudius of the blog Secrets of Atlantica is doing.

You can check the videos in my YouTube channel, but, mostly, the videos are embedded in posts here with more info.

Just bellow there is an option to receive my posts by e-mail. That free you from the hassle of coming back to check my blog all the time.

Enjoy your time around here 😀

Atlantica Online: Copyright 2011 Nexon Korea Corp & Nexon America Inc & Ndorrs Corp. All rights reserved.